Businesses & community working together to revive one of Dublin's best-known market areas.
The Liberties Business Area Improvement Initiative is a programme supported by Dublin City Council and local stakeholders and businesses to enhance and transform the commercial heart of Dublin 8 and create a more vibrant and attractive city neighbourhood in which to live, work and visit.
The Liberties is currently undergoing a renaissance, with over €1billion of public and private sector investment being made in the neighbourhood over the next 5 years.
There are now opportunities to invest in sectors as diverse as housing, office and commercial property, the craft food and drink sector, design and creative industries, tourism, tech and media enterprises, and medical and life sciences.
The Liberties Business Area Improvement Initiative is working to coordinate Dublin City Council and private sector investment in the physical environment of the area, to promote cultural life and activities, and, together with its partners in The Liberties Business Forum, to promote and market The Liberties as one of Dublin’s most vibrant and dynamic neighbourhoods.
With world-class enterprise clusters located off Thomas Street, The Liberties is firmly established as Dublin’s premier location for micro enterprise and start-ups.